Anschrift: Simpernelstraat 17
Postleitzahl: 3511
Wohnort: Kuringen
Telefonnummer: +32 (0) 11 255 699
E-Mail (allgemein): info@jessenhofke.be


Unternehmer-Nummer: 0878.359.447
Geschäftsführer: Gert Jordens
Exportmanager: Gert Jordens
Rechtsform: Einzelunternehmen
Sprachen: Niederländisch , Englisch , Französisch

Produktportfolio und Aktivitäten



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Hersteller, Großhändler

Export nach

Europäische Union-27

  • Niederlande
  • Dänemark
  • Frankreich

Über uns

organic brewery jessenhofke

The Jessenhofke House Brewery situated in Hasselt, the city of taste, is as stubborn as its brewer Gert. As a child he was already
inspired by pure taste. His grandfather, a gin distiller, taught him that herbs make the difference. Looking for the ultimate taste, he was inspired by the
ancient Egyptians to brew a beer with garlic, not overly dominant but a subtle touch which perfected his beer. His friends called this the best beer ever and
the “Limburgse Biervrienden” awarded it with ‘the best home brew of 2002’. This was the start of the brewery that nowadays
puts 6 different beers on the market.

In our brewery the work shop ‘brewer for a day’ is held. You can also participate on tasting events where you will be immersed in the Jessenhofke
world with a lot of stories about our beers and the world of beer in general